The construction industry offers a multitude of opportunities for anyone interested in taking on challenges, working hard and being part of something bigger.

Meet some of the women who contribute to the success of MDU Construction Services Group.


Nicole joined Bombard Electric as an intern in high school. Over the years, she worked her way up through the company, gaining invaluable experiences and progressing into roles with increasing responsibility.

Nicole quote





Alicia started the apprenticeship program in her mid-30s. She loves her career. Her advice to other women in the construction industry:

Alicia quote




Julie has been in the construction industry for more than 15 years. She’s never seen herself as being at a disadvantage for being a female in the electrical field.

Julie quote




Growing up with a dad who was an electrical engineer, Kellie always had some basic knowledge about construction. When she got into the field herself 11 years ago, she realized how truly complex building a project really is.

Kellie quote